God had to reveal Himself to people in order for people to know about Him. The Bible is
God’s written revelation of Himself to man. It contains no errors or contradictions. Although
some have argued against the infallibility of the Bible there has not yet been a proven case where
the text has been shown to be in error. The sixty six books of the Protestant Bible contain
interwoven themes, subjects, stories and prophecies. The books were recorded by different men in different styles of writing. The total time span covered during the writing of the scriptures has
been estimated at 1600 years. The fact that these books never contradict one another is evidence of supernatural activity. Any other written work can be shown to contain errors. It is nothing short of miraculous that the Bible has survived intact through the centuries. While there are differences in specific terms among the major translations (KJV, NIV, NASB, RSV) careful
inductive study of the text reveals that meaning of the text remains the same. Read more...